PREETI ARORA, BAMS, MD(AM) is the head, Panchkarma Spa, Skin & Wellness. Specialist in Panchkarma therapies (Ayurveda Detox treatments), Gyne disorders (Infertility, Fibroids, PCOD) and Skin, Dr. Preeti has designed the Ayurveda Facials and the Skin & Body treatments of rejuvenation and Beauty.
Dr. Raj Kumari, Ph.D. is an authority in Sanskrit, linguistics, and Vedic Astrology. Chronic incurable cases are send for her consultation on the Vedic Astrology aspect. She’s also a faculty on the Vedic Astrology course at Sampoorna Academy.
Dr Inderpreet Kaur, BAMS, is a medalist and topper from Govt. Ay. College, Lucknow University, and specializes in Ayurveda Nutrition & food therapy.
Jagjit Singh is a former Navy officer and a master trainer in the Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation.
Finally, the dedicated, caring and trained Therapists staff of Sampoorna KAYAKALP Ayurveda make a wonderful team at the service of humanity.